Appointments are offered on Mondays or Wednesdays.
Clinical Breast Exams
Pap/Pelvic Exams
STI Testing
Screening Mammograms
If an abnormal test is found, we can offer access to highly recommended diagnostic and treatment services for free or low-cost. We work hard to remove barriers that might delay or prevent you from getting the timely care you deserve.
Sheila accessed a free breast exam through our Women’s Health Services; unfortunately, a lump was found. Our staff immediately jumped in, helping Sheila navigate breast diagnostic services. When Sheila learned that the lump was cancerous and chemotherapy was needed, she panicked. Sheila’s hair is a crucial part of her identity, and she considered refusing treatment due to hair loss. GFC provided Sheila with Cold Cap Therapy, which helps cool the scalp and prevent hair loss. A member of our staff sat with Sheila during her chemotherapy treatment, changing the dry ice every 20 minutes during the several-hour procedure. Sheila successfully completed chemotherapy, lost a limited amount of hair, and today, Sheila is breast-cancer-free.